What Yoga Products to Buy for Beginners


It's common to think that you need to go buy a ton of stuff to start a new activity. Do you really need to buy new yoga gear to start practicing? Short answer - no. You can practice anywhere on the bare ground BUT if you want more than that - you're not alone. It's fun to have all the things and it can even make you feel more confident practicing. More importantly, having the proper gear can help you maintain a safe yoga practice.

Ready to check out the goods? Below are some ideas on beginner gear:


Things to consider when buying one:

    • Thickness - helps support your joints if practicing on hard surfaces
    • Stickiness - on the bottom to keep from sliding on the floor and on the top to help your feet grip to the mat
    • Length - if you're taller than 5'8, look for a longer mat so you can lay comfortably without having your head or feet on the floor
Personally, I use a Hugger Mugger mat and LOVE it! Lightweight and sticky enough for heated studio use (a.k.a. loads of sweat). Affordable and lasts. There are hundreds of mats, so here are a few to checkout:


In my online programs, I'll show you how to use:

    • Blocks (substitute thick, hardcover books)
    • Yoga Straps (substitute exercise bands, tie or a belt)
    • Rolled Towel (substitute bolster or rolled blanket)
    • Wedge (substitute rolled towel or folded blanket)
You don't NEED any of these, so don't feel like you have to spend a ton of money. They're fun to use and can really help you, but your practice generally won't suffer if you don't have them.



You do you! Practice in what makes you comfortable AND feel good about yourself. I am an advocate to have yoga clothes that make you smile because you're more likely to WANT to wear them and PRACTICE! If you need some new graphic tees that give back, check out our Love & Asana gear You'll want to wear them everywhere...a great way to get in the mood for daily yoga!


Happy Practicing!


Tiffany Lord is the Owner of Love & Asana™ and a Power Vinyasa Instructor based in Woodland Park, Colorado. She is a true believer in the power of yoga to help improve mental and physical health. Tiffany helps busy women in their 30s and 40s on the brink of burnout learn to manage stress with yoga. Connect with Tiffany at loveandasana@gmail.com or visit www.loveandasana.com

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