Show Yourself Some Love With My Quick & Easy Self-Care Tips

Its the month of L-O-V-E! Instead of only thinking how to love others, let's talk about showing ourselves some love with my simple self care tips.

Self-Care: the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress (as defined by the Oxford Dictionary)

I'm hearing a lot of noise out there about how self-care isn't just bubble baths and manicures BUT my message for you today is:

Find YOUR version of self-care that protects your happiness and don't worry what other people say about.


Choose Your Self-Care With This 2-Step Check-In

Not sure what self-care even means to you yet? Let's start by bringing some awareness to it with these two easy steps.

  1. Sit comfortably and take a deep breath.
  2. What do you need more of in your life right now?

Based on what came to mind, brainstorm a couple self-care rituals to try this week or check out my ideas below.

Schedule With Self-Care In Mind

Need more time to do the things you want? Protect your wellbeing with these simple steps.

  1. Take an inventory of your schedule. Are there things you can delegate or get rid of altogether? Can you clump certain tasks together to be more efficient? Is there space before or after stressful meetings or events for prep time or downtime that will make you feel more at ease?
  2. Try to schedule a personal day or a couple of hours off around weeks that will stress you out more than others. Thinking about this before you're overwhelmed and at your breaking point will make your life so much better. Everyone around you will appreciate it too!

Cultivate a Space for Self-Care

Need more inspiration? Surround yourself with things that bring you joy!

  1. Certain colors make you happy? Hang pictures with those colors in them or choose a gemstone in that color to keep at your desk or windowsill.
  2. Feeling ungrounded? Spruce up your space with a red mousepad or picture frame to nourish your root chakra.
  3. Need more energy? Spritz an aromatherapy blend with peppermint and/or citrus when you walk in. Leave a rollerball at your desk for a quick whiff or turn on a diffuser with an uplifting scent.
Look around your space right now and think of one thing you can do to make it more nurturing to your spirit - then do it!


Self-Care In 5 Minutes or Less

Ideas to bring you more happiness on-the-go:

  • Enjoy a fancy dessert with zero guilt and lots of smiles
  • Keep a picture of your favorite place, person or pet to look at when you need a little uplift
  • Wear your favorite color & smile whenever you notice it throughout the day
  • Write down the best part of your day, read it back to yourself out loud and say "thank you world" at the end of it
  • Buy a fresh bouquet of flowers for your home or office
  • Do a foot soak while watching your favorite show

Remember, Make Self-Care Easy

Choose your self-care rituals based on your lifestyle and schedule. Don't try to make weekly 90-minute massages work, if you have to cram it in. Instead book one of those a month and do little things daily that will leave you feeling refreshed. Sometimes taking time to sip on your favorite tea or read a chapter of your new book can bring you just as much joy.



Tiffany Lord yoga for headaches guruHey - I'm Tiffany Lord, private virtual yoga instructor and founder of Love & Asana. I help type-A, overachievers reconnect to their bodies for more strength, flexibility and confidence with my realistic approach to yoga & mindfulness. Whether you feel "out of shape" due to persistent pain, past injuries or a stressful life change, you CAN feel better and live the life you want! Learn more about working together one-on-one here


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